
European three year Strategic plan

Client: Greenpeace in Europe

Project objective: to develop a 3-year strategic plan for the European Greenpeace Programme.

My role: design and facilitation of a participatory, integrated planning processes involving Greenpeace offices in Europe as well as European governance bodies:

  • Process design in consulation with European Programme Leadership and governance bodies
  • Development of sensing process to gather broad stakeholder input
  • Preparation and facilitation of related workshops
  • Consultation on strategic direction and fine tuning of the plan
  • Responsive adaption of process to new external framework conditions.

Campaign programme for the conversion of the European electricity sector

Client: Europe Beyond Coal

Project objective: development of a multi-year strategic campaign framework to transition the European power sector to renewable energy by 2035 and to phase out fossil gas by 2035 in a European non-profit network.

My role: conceptualisation and co-creative elaboration of a participatory, integrated campaign and organisational development process. Design and facilitation of related interventions:

  • Design of an integrated planning and development architecture
  • Planning of a development process that ensures the integration and participation of the network organisations
  • Design of online and offline workshops and events with up to 150 participants from multiple European countries
  • Facilitation of planning and development workshops for the creation of campaign and communication strategies, tactics and responsive interventions
  • Design of workshops and events with a focus on national and European level; integrating a wide range of topics in a systemic approach
  • Flexible adaptation of the process and meetings to changing conditions and requirements

'How to Campaign at Four Paws' development process

Client: Four Paws International

Project objective: strengthening the global integration, effectiveness and identity of Four Paws campaigns.

My role: design, development and delivery of a participatory, integrated organisational development process:

  • development of sensing questionnaire for broad integration and consultation of national offices and staff
  • processing and condensation of qualitative output of consultation
  • design and facilitation of related workshops on mid and top management levels
  • flexible adaptation of process to changed framework conditions
  • consultation on final product resulting from the process

Development of a multi-annual strategic programme

Client: CEE Bankwatch Network

Project objective: Development of a five-year strategic programme plan that frames the work of the European network of nonprofit organisations and is 'owned' by the member organisations.

My role: advising on and designing the strategic planning process and facilitating workshops and events as part of the process:

  • Advise on the participatory set up of the planning process
  • Design and flexible adaptation of the architecture of the process
  • Planning of the workshops for the strategic and tactical development of the programme
  • Facilitation of online workshops with up to 50 participants* from 16 member organisations and 14 countries in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Russia.

Quality assurance in human rights education

Client: Amnesty International, International Secretariat

Project objective: the organisation conducts human rights education programmes worldwide. The introduction of a common quality assurance standard is intended to ensure that these programmes have the desired effect. Part of the project was the establishment of a mutually supportive community of human rights education staff members in the application of the standards. An important goal of the process was to ensure that the standards are supported and implemented in the organization's offices worldwide.

My role: Planning and implementing a participatory process to introduce the quality assurance standards in the global human rights education of the organization. Development of the strategy and project plan. Planning and facilitating various international online workshops in groups of 10 to 60 people.

'Connecting back to nature' course

Client: Greenpeace in Europe

Project objective: in the context of its European Collaboration the organisation has set itself the goal of putting nature back at the centre of its work. This experiential course creates a framework for addressing what this might mean for individuals and the organisation and how it might manifest.

My role: preparation, design, development and implementation of the course:

  • Researching and preparing relevant scientific, literary, philosophical, artistic content on the themes of nature and systems theory
  • Development of the architecture of the course with elements from the following spheres: online and offline, individual and interactive in the group, indoors and outdoors as well as individual and in pairs on an online learning platform
  • Design and preparation of the individual modules of the course on the learning platform
  • Design and facilitation of online workshops and a multi-day offline workshop


Network meeting

Client: Europe Beyond Coal

Project objective: realisation of a one-week meeting of the European network with up to 120 participants which was realized online due to the pandemic.

My role: consultancy, planning and facilitation of the meeting:

  • Advise on effective planning, preparation and implementation of the online-meeting
  • Conducting a training on online collaboration for the facilitators of the parallel sessions
  • Advising and sparring on agenda development for parallel sessions
  • Co-creative agenda development for plenary sessions
  • Design of interactive presentations and online boards for plenary sessions
  • Facilitation of plenary and parallel sessions

Facilitation of SDG-Forum 2019

Client: SDG-Watch Austria. SDG Watch Austria is an association of more than 170 civil society and non-profit organisations that are jointly committed to an ambitious implementation of the Agenda 2030 in Austria.

Project objective: Implementation of the annual forum of member organisations and guests of SDG-Watch Austria with 160 participants, with lectures, panel and panel discussion.

My role: Facilitation of key notes speeches, panel and panel discussions during the plenary of the event.

European Learning Lab

Client: Greenpeace in Europe

Project objective: To strengthen the skills and experience of staff at Greenpeace offices throughout Europe for the joint successful implementation of pan-European campaign projects.

My role: Project leadership and co-creative development of learning architecture, consisting of four learning strands:

  • 'Why' and 'how to work together in Europe
  • EU campaign training
  • leadership development
  • communities of practice

This also includes development of content and design of the digital and 'in person' learning modules and workshops, and acting as trainer and facilitator of the learning units.

Kicking off Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) campaign

Client: Ökobüro, Alliance of the Austrian Environmental Movement

Project objective: To support the optimal kick-off of a three-year campaign project, aimed at anchoring the 'Sustainable Development Goals' in Austrian political discourse

My role: In dialogue with the client, I explored the status quo and their needs, in relation to the campaign plan and team collaboration. I designed a development architecture for the start-up phase of the project, and set up and executed two workshops: one on campaign planning and one to examine: 'Are we ready for the project’.

Further selected projects

  • Good Food Good Farming - campaign program planning process: design and facilitation of digital workshops for the development and adoption of a European campaign program involving organisations from around Europe.
  • Greenpeace in Europe - 'Connecting back to Nature' journey: development and online and offline delivery of an experiential 2,5 months 'journey' for participants to re-connect with nature, get an insight into systems thinking and reflect the meaning on a personal, professional and organisational level
  • Arbeiterkammer - SOZAK: planning and delivery of the annual training on 'street protest' as part of the transnational campaign workshop of the Social Academy of the Austrian Workers Chamber.
  • Greenpeace in Europe - Theory of Change for Europe: planning and implementation of a process and facilitation of several online and offline workshops, involving nature, to develop a 'Theory of Change' for Greenpeace in Europe.
  • Ökobüro - Environmental proceedings what for? Preparation and facilitation of a conference on success factors and experiences from practice on the subject of environmental proceedings. With lectures, panel discussion and reflection.
  • Greenpeace International: Multi-stage team development process with resource analysis and mapping, sensing process with stakeholder interviews, co-creation of a team mission and development of a conducive team space for its implementation.
  • Greenpeace in Europe - EU Collaboration Summit: planning and implementation of a 'European Collaboration Summit' to strengthen European collaboration in the organisation, for Greenpeace staff from all over Europe.
  • Ökobüro - Campaign and organisational development: planning and implementation of several workshops on team development and organisational development (vision, mission, values, strategies).
  • Greenpeace CEE - feedback culture: Development and moderation of a learning and development journey to strengthen the feedback culture at Greenpeace CEE.
  • Four Paws - Campaign development: workshops on the development of campaigns and the collaboration in the campaigns on a national and international level.
  • Stiftung Asienhaus - Campaigning on EU level: Lecture on 'Campaigning on EU level' at the workshop 'Capacity Building and Reflection' within their 'EU-China NGO Twinning' programme 2018.
  • Arbeit Plus - campaign planning: planning and facilitation of a campaign planning workshop for Arbeit Plus Austria and Vienna respectively.
  • International Animal Welfare Summit - Economic Panel: facilitation of the panel 'Economy: Animal Welfare - added value are passing trend?' within the IAWS 2018.
  • Earth Talks - Academy: facilitation of the Earth Talks Academy 2018.
  • AEMS Summer Academy - 'Theory of Change': planning and facilitation of an interactive campaign training workshop day for a large international group in the context of the Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS) Summer Academy.
  • Greenpeace CEE - CEE Days: planning and facilitation of the 'CEE Days', a meeting of over 100 employees from the CEE region.
  • Four Paws Austria - team development: exploration of team status quo, planning and delivery of a series of team development workshops.
  • Greenpeace in Europe - Campaign for the reform of the European fisheries policy: European leadership of the successful Greenpeace campaign for the reform of the 'Common European Fisheries Policy' of the EU.
  • Greenpeace International - virtual representation in Portugal: establishment and management of a three-year virtual Greenpeace campaign presence in Portugal. Development of an innovative pilot model: the work of an organisation in a country without formal presence and infrastructure as a 'virtual office', pitching and managing  the project with foundations.
  • Greenpeace International - campaign on global seafood sourcing: development and management of a global Greenpeace campaign for sustainable seafood sourcing policies of the largest supermarket chains worldwide.
  • Greenpeace in Austria - Marktcheck: initiation and management of the project ''; the pioneering project of an Austrian internet platform, with consumer access to evaluations of thousands of food and cosmetic products according to ecological, social and animal welfare criteria. A Greenpeace project in cooperation with 11 partner organisations.
  • Greenpeace in Austria - REACH Campaign: Leadership of the Greenpeace campaign for an ambitious reform of the European chemicals policy in Austria, contribution to the emergence of REACH - the world's most progressive chemicals policy.